Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Letters Giving Information

Dear Sir/Madam, As the main organizer of performance that is being planned to stage at Can Tho university, I am writing to you on behalf of the students in my drama class to request that you be so kind as to help us to publicize the event. Now, I would like to give you some information about the performance. To welcome the Lunar New Year, my drama class is planning to stage a musical based upon George Bernad Shaw’s Pygmalion – My Fair Lady.My Fair Lady is a world popular musical and is the record for the longest run of any major musical theatre production in history. Therefore, I’m sure it will attract many audience. The performance will take place at 7 pm on 30th January at the Great Hall in Can Tho university. Visitors are expected to come earlier. To carry out this performance, we prepared thoroughly and drilled diligently. Actors and actresses have formerly acting experience, so I trust audience will not be disappointed with the drama.We’d like if the above information could be included in bulletins of local news. I’m sure that this event will be of interest to many people who love art and drama. Next, allow me to suggest that the journalists could be invited to report on the event, and to interview the actors and members of the audience. This way, members in my class will have better opportunities to develop their career. Thank you for your time  and cooperation in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information. Yours faithfully, Letters Giving Information Dear Sir/Madam, As the main organizer of performance that is being planned to stage at Can Tho university, I am writing to you on behalf of the students in my drama class to request that you be so kind as to help us to publicize the event. Now, I would like to give you some information about the performance. To welcome the Lunar New Year, my drama class is planning to stage a musical based upon George Bernad Shaw’s Pygmalion – My Fair Lady.My Fair Lady is a world popular musical and is the record for the longest run of any major musical theatre production in history. Therefore, I’m sure it will attract many audience. The performance will take place at 7 pm on 30th January at the Great Hall in Can Tho university. Visitors are expected to come earlier. To carry out this performance, we prepared thoroughly and drilled diligently. Actors and actresses have formerly acting experience, so I trust audience will not be disappointed with the drama.We’d like if the above information could be included in bulletins of local news. I’m sure that this event will be of interest to many people who love art and drama. Next, allow me to suggest that the journalists could be invited to report on the event, and to interview the actors and members of the audience. This way, members in my class will have better opportunities to develop their career. Thank you for your time  and cooperation in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information. Yours faithfully,

A Critical Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses

A Critical Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses in the skills of Assertiveness Assertiveness enables us to act in our own best interests, to stand up for ourselves without undue anxiety, to exercise personal rights without denying the rights of others, and to express our feelings honestly and comfortably (Alberti & Emmons, 2008). Within interpersonal communication, the skill of assertion is absolutely vital; it is a skill we are constantly utilising either consciously or unconsciously.Through nurturing the skill of assertiveness a person may have fruitful relationships with family, friends, peers, superiors and subordinates (Rakos, 1997) based on honesty and equality. The skill of Assertiveness can be viewed in differently within diverse cultures, for example in the highly extraverted, expressive and individualistic culture that is apparent in America; Assertiveness is a particularly important, if not essential skill.However in the much more reserved and introverted culture of Bri tain more emphasis is placed on interpersonal sensitivity, being a rewarding partner and the use of non-verbal signals (Forgas, 1985). The skill of Assertion has 9 main functions, these include; helping individuals to ensure that their personal rights are not violated, make reasonable requests of others, recognise the personal rights of others, avoid unnecessary aggressive conflicts and confidently, and openly communicate their position regarding any issue (Hargie, 2009).Assertiveness is a skill that is learned and training is available for those who may find it hard to assert their feelings within a social context. Assertiveness is a great skill to possess however there are times when an assertive response may in fact be the least responsive, in such times a non assertive or passive response may be what is required. The different levels of response are displayed well by the continuum which ranges from Non Assertive – Assertive – Aggressive.In most instances people sho uld aim to remain as close to assertive on the continuum as possible, as this promotes both standing up for yourself whilst also taking the other persons views into consideration. As a result of my Assertiveness practical I found myself to be just slightly towards the more non-assertive side of the continuum. I was quite pleased with this result as I did not want to be positioned too close to aggressive or non assertive.Throughout the Assertiveness Practical I had a number of Strengths which were outweighed by quite a number of Weaknesses, this is natural as Rakos stated â€Å"Assertion is a learned skill, not a trait that a person has or lacks. † An area throughout the practical in which I was strong was ‘Gesturing’, upon analysing my video I found my gestures to be smooth and fluid, I feel this conveyed a non-verbal message that I was calm within the situation. Accentuating your message with appropriate gestures can add emphasis, openness and warmth.A relaxed u se of gestures can add depth or power to your messages (Alberti & Emmons, 2008). Another area which analysing my practical revealed I was strong was ‘Paralanguage’ this can include an individual’s rate of speech, intensity, tone and volume. I found the tone of my voice to be conversational but not overly friendly and I felt this was perfect for the situation, the other people involved in the practical commented on the intensity of my voice being quite firm but not intimidating as the still felt comfortable.This is quite an important aspect of being assertive as a Kimble and Seidel study showed that those who spoke with a dominant conversational tone where perceived as being confident and therefore more likely to gain a more adequate answers (Richmond & McCroskey, 2000). Analysing my practical led me to see that I excelled in complex direct assertion, most notably the use of embellishments. Embellishments lessen the social risk whilst having a discussion with some one, however if they are used too much they can be seen as false and can dilute a person’s argument. I was particularly well versed in the use of both Praise and Empathy.An example of this in my practical was when the woman, who was trying to return a phone which was out of warranty said â€Å"you must understand where I’m coming from† in response to this I said â€Å"of course I do Miss X, I was in your position just over a year ago before I began to work here and you are handling the situation much better than I did. † The woman who prior to this piece of dialogue was getting rather agitated seemed to calm down and come to terms with what I was trying to explain. Hargie states that empathic assertion conveys sensitivity to the other person thus allowing that person to feel understood and not undermined.Although I had a number of Strengths throughout my practical I also had quite a few weaknesses which are illustrated by my personal assertiveness invento ry score which was +9, although the class average was +2, my score still showed that I can be assertive but find it quite difficult. One of the weaknesses I noticed was that I failed to keep eye contact with the person in my practical; this was a major flaw and undoubtedly hindered my assertiveness. At quite regular intervals, namely when the discussion was getting a bit heated, I tended to look at the desk in front of me rather than focus on the other person.Gaze aversion is typically an intentional act, you may be unsure of yourself and do not want him/her to see it in your eyes (Richmond & McCroskey, 2000). This was probably the case in my practical, I was unfamiliar with the given situation and felt that I was out of my depth thus I avoided eye contact; I can now see that this was a critical mistake. The second major flaw that I had involved my body posture, upon analysing the practical I realised that during our entire interaction my body was never directly facing the other per sons.When talking to another person, notice how much more personal the conversation becomes with a slight turn of the shoulders and torso toward the other person, this suggests confidence and openness to the conversation at hand (Alberti & Emmons, 2008). I now realise from my practical I was portraying quite a defensive posture, thus not putting the other person at ease whilst talking to me. Also from a defensive posture it is a lot harder to be assertive as the other person is likely to already have a certain prejudice about you.My final and most glaring weakness was overuse of the â€Å"broken record† approach, after analysing my practical session I realised that I used the phrase â€Å"I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do† a staggering amount of times. This is not a good tactic to employ as it can frustrate the other person, it can also dilute the argument and take away the relevance of what you are saying. Persistence should not be confused with the broken rec ord method, â€Å"be fair with others and keep after them until they’re fair with you† (Alberti & Emmons, 2008).Throughout my practical I also used too much ‘you language’, this attributed responsibility to the other person and was possibly too aggressive rather than assertive. In conclusion I feel that as a whole my assertiveness practical was a success; there are a number of areas in which I can improve vastly such as posture and eye contact. However I feel that I did do extremely well in a few areas, these being; gesturing and embellishments. Jim Rohn once said â€Å"Every time we speak we choose one of the four basic communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive and passive aggressive†.This quotation helps me to illustrate that our learning of the skill of Assertion is continuous, throughout this practical research I have realised that Assertiveness is a great facet of an individual’s personality, and when used right can be an outs tanding tool. When a person has mastered the skill they will know when to be assertive, whom to be assertive with and with what intensity to put their message across (Journal of Communication, Volume 19, Issue 03, Pages 257-265). In a minority of places where cultural sensitivity is raw assertion may be deemed somewhat wreck less.Nevertheless, assertion that accommodates cultural norms is an accepted communication style and is widely used the world over. (Hargie, 2002) References Alberti, R. and Emmons, M. (1975) Stand Up, Speak Out, Talk Back: The Key to Assertive Behaviour. Pocket Books, New York Alberti, R. and Emmons, M. (2008) You’re Perfect Right, Assertiveness and Equality in Your Life and Relationships. Impact, San Luis Obisopo American Communication Journal, Volume 10, Issue 01, Spring 2008. Forgas, J. (1985) Interpersonal Bahaviour: The Psychology of Social Interaction. Hargie, O. , Dickson, D.Skilled Interpersonal Communication, Research, Theory and Practice, 7th e dition. Routledge, London. Chapter 11. Journal of Communication, Volume 19, Issue 03, Pages 257-265, September 1969 Knapp, M. and Vangelisti, A. (2006) Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships. Allyn and Bacon, Texas Rakos, R. (2006) Assertive Behaviour: Theory, Research and Training. Routledge, London. Richmond, V. and McCroskey, J. (2000) NonVerbal Behaviour in Interpersonal Relationships, Allyn and Bacon, Texas The Electronic Journal of Communication, Volume 13, Number 4 2003. Townend, A. (2007) Assertiveness and Diversity. Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Airline Industry Pre and Post 9/11

Analyze the attractiveness of the airline industry pre 9/1 1 . How attractive was the industry before 9/11? Was it profitable? Was there growth? Was there strong competition or not? If so, in what sectors? PESTEL Analysis of the Airline Industry Pre 9/1 1 Political Government support for national carriers Oohnson, Gerry. 2011, pg51) Security Controls Oohnson, Gerry. 2011, pg51) Investment support Restrictions on migration Oohnson, Gerry. 2011, pg51) Deregulations (try to cut down airfare prices) Economic National growth rates Oohnson, Gerry. 2011, pg51)Fuel prices Oohnson, Gerry. 2011, pg51) High costs associated with the Full Service Carrier business model of markets Increasing world trade and investment Social Rise in travel by elderly Student international study exchanges Changing life styles Increase in the number of educated people Globalization Technological Fuel-efficient engines and airframes Security check technologies Teleconferencing for business Consolidation Alternative fuels Environmental Air pollution controls Noise pollution controls Energy consumption controls Land for growing airports Legal Employee work hoursLiberalization Restrictions on mergers Preferential airport rights for some carriers Porter's five forces analysis for pre 9/1 1 Threat of Entry High regulations Capital intensive Requires high level of experience and knowledge It has a high barrier entry Monopoly in some cities' airports The Threat of Substitutes Busses, ships, rail industry In Europe, Russia rail is the preferred transportation mode In US rail and road are the mode of transportation for goods Prices are regularly low comparing to airfares in Europe for within Europe and Russia Ships are being used or transportation of goods in bulk to continents But for individual transportation for long distances mostly airlines are preferred. The Power of Buyers Almost 50% increase within a decade, due to increase in the number of retirees. Also rise in the world GDP. Increasing numbe r of airline companies gives more choice to select from to the buyers. Customer loyalty highly depended on airfares. Price sensitive. So bargaining power of the buyer is high. Technological innovations give advantages to business travelers (skype, conference calls†¦ etc) The Power of Suppliers Pilot's unions, â€Å"there is no good alternative to a well-trained pilot in the cockpit†.The supply is mainly being done by Boeing and Airbus, Aramco, Gazprom All of the suppliers have high power. (Fuel, maintenance, labor). Competitive Rivalry Low margin cost (1-2% net profit) Increase in the number of airlines High costs High exit barrier As per the case study â€Å"analysts were predicting that the US airline industry world lose some $. 5bn because of the slowing economy combined with a large decline in business travel. † So the decrease and losses were already happening, due to echnological, mismanagement and economic reasons. 9/1 1 may have given good reasons for mist akes. 2 Analyze the attractiveness post The decrease hit the bottom with the terrorist attacks. People preferred other ways to travel.PESTEL Analysis of the Airline Industry Post 9/1 1 Government support for national carriers (bailout money $4bn) Tax break for the next five years (national carriers) Security Controls increased (3 hours early check in) Lay offs Cost increase due to security increase Supplier's suppliers were affected Probable increase in the demand for metal detectors and security items Increase in he insurance cost Increase in the airfare but after 2007 airlines are raising against each other, prices are going down Fear against flights No trust to security Choice towards road, rail, or teleconferencing. Need for advanced security check, secure stronger technologies including navigational equipment. Teleconferencing for business Stronger rules over employees Tighter regulations Increase in the consumer rights and protection* 3. How might airlines better plan for disr uptive events such as 9/11?They could nave done scenario planning and train the employees according to the worst case scenario. Shell was the only company during the crisis which survived because they had the scenario before and when they started to feel the crisis they reacted before it reached at the door. Airline industry can do the same thing, and train their employees. Government can do trainings at the school or public places for worst case scenarios. Airplane suppliers can produce safer doors for the cockpit. And security companies should not Just hire normal people they should have people from the army or police departments at the airports who are well trained.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Media Audiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Media Audiences - Essay Example Stuart Hall defines culture as, "actual grounded terrain of practices, representations, languages and customs of any specified society (Hall, 1996)." By this definition, western culture is its own society, but when referred to, the regions most commonly thought of as embodying western culture are Europe and the United States. The most significant aspect of western culture has to do with the ideology of the hegemony in charge. In western culture this would be the business moguls especially those that own media companies, majority members of government Hall defines representation as "How the world is socially constructed and represented to and by us (Hall, 1996)." The representation is key because it dictates how a group of people will interact with their culture and also how other cultures will preconceive and then receive members of a certain society. Highly acclaimed French Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has done much work on culture and its influence on decision making. He finds that the public has no genuine representation in democratic societies. When people tend to watch media coverage of certain events and they see the results of polls and statistics, they perceive the information from the perspective of a rational choice theorist. Most people based their decisions on the grounds of believing this theory, but Bourdieu is in opposition to it. Rational Choice theory is the belief that human beings naturally choose a given path dependant on whether it is the best means to achieve their goals. It is a belief in methodological individualism; this meaning it adopts the belief that social situations, and group behavior is solely the result of individual action. Within this theory, corporations and national governments are viewed as individual operators as well. The problem that arises with this theory are the certain assumptions. Thi s theory assumes human beings are aware of certain information, of which they aren't always aware, and it assumes that individuals consistently make mental calculations to determine their next decision. He points out how this belief contributes to the human tendency to conform when he argues that, Doing one's duty as a man means conforming to the social order, and this is a fundamentally a question of respecting rhythms, keeping pace, not falling out of line. 'Don't we all eat the same wheat cake Don't we all get up at the same time These various ways of reasserting solidarity contain an implicit definition of the fundamental virtue of conformity. (Bourdieu, 1977) He later goes on to show that conformities only other opposition is eccentricity, which becomes natural for those intrigued by it irregularity. the opposite of which is the desire to stand apart from others. Working while the others are resting, staying in the house while the others are working in the fields, traveling on deserted roads, wandering round the streets of the village while the others are asleep or at the market - these are all suspicious forms of behavior. The eccentric who does everything differently... (Bourdieu, 1977) Bourdieu believes that society cannot just be analyzed in terms of economic classes and ideologies, but that individual education and culture must be applied as well. Bourdieu does not separate people based on class and then analyze them, but groups everyone into what he calls a field/ social arena. This contradicts classic Marxism, as well

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Death Penalty - Research Paper Example However, in mid 18th Century, social critics in Europe began to highlight the value of the human being and to condemn Government practices they deemed unjust, including Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment has been used as castigation for many crimes since ancient times. The Bible recommends death for many heinous crimes such as witchcraft, kidnapping and murder. But in 1500, only some major criminal acts were sentenced to death in England. These offenses included larceny, rape, burglary, murder, arson, and treason. In 1723, the Waltham Black Acts was passed in the Parliament in which many new crimes were ratified and this augmented the number of people given the death penalty every year. Following the 100 years from then, which is 1740 to 1839 a total number of Eight thousand Seven hundred and Fifty three people were put to death in Wales and England. The highest number of people that were put to death was Three hundred and seven in 1785 because they weren’t able to run away because of the ongoing American War of Independence. Due to this high number of death hangings, in 1800 the population reduced to only 9 million. In 1750s the reforms for death penalty begin to integrate in Europe and were under the governance of Cesare Beccaria (an Italian jurist), Voltaire (a French Philospher) and law reformers from England such as Samuel Romilly and Jeremy Bentham. These opponents of Capital punishment stood by the argument that death penalty was atrocious, terrible, appalling and usually given wrongly. They started their campaign with Quaker leaders and other law reformers and believed that life imprisonment was a more sensible option. By 1850s, these reform movements began to take physical existence. In 1853 Venezuela was the very first nation to condemn death sentence and then in 1867, Portugal followed the lead. In 1847, Michigan was the first state of United States to abolish death penalty for murder. In today’s society, Capital Punishment is abolished in most of the Latin America and Western Europe. However, United States, along with Japan, china and many Middle Eastern and Asian countries giv e death penalty for certain offenses and oblige it at various frequencies. Challengers of Capital Punishment compete that it is dreadful and horrifying. Those who oppose the death penalty see it as a human rights issue involving the true limits of governmental power. These people argue that life is a gift bestowed to us by God and no one has the right to take away other person’s life for acts such as robbery or burglary. But should death penalty be given for murder and shocking crimes still remains a question. Further Capital Punishment can be a wrong decision for most individuals because there is always a probability of error. It might happen that a person who is given death penalty is innocent and some other person was responsible for that dreadful deed. The actual administration of our society can be corrupted as well. Capital Punishment is imposed mostly on the indignant and the minorities. There is also a possibility of weakness of argument from the side of preclusion; t he argument that the threat of Capital Punishment lessens violent crime is open to doubts and is difficult to prove as well; and is also morally suspected. Another dispute over Capital Punishment is that we are too unskilled to carry it out. Sometimes a person keeps waiting for months or even years to be finally put to death. The delays, appeals, technicalities and retrials that keep a person destined to death waiting for implementation of the law enacted keep him or her bored and tired of life. According to World News, dated

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pablo Picasso Artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Pablo Picasso Artworks - Essay Example The essay "Pablo Picasso Artworks" attempts to portray the reasons Picasso painted and why he changed the movement. He was a Spanish sculptor, stage designer, playwright, printmaker, ceramicist, and painted who lived between 1881 and 1973. He was an influential artist who helped develop and investigate many varieties of styles. ). For instance, he co-founded the Cubist movement in the 20th century. He is recognized with Marcel Duchamp and Henri Matisse as artists who revolutionized printmaking, plastic arts, ceramics, painting, and sculpture. Picasso showed unusual artistic ability from his early years. Through his childhood and adolescence, he painted in a realistic manner. At the beginning of the 20th century, he changed his painting style after experimenting with various theories. Picasso’s work is categorized into movements. There are the expressionism, cubism, and surrealism. Picasso’s expressionism can be further categorized into Blue period, Rose period, and Afri can-influenced period. Cubism is can be classified further into Analytic cubism and Synthetic cubism. There are many differences in the two painting. The differences lie in the painting style used. Picasso used expressionism in the Drunk Woman is Tired, while, in Girl in Chair, he used cubism and surrealism. In the Drunk Woman is Tired, Picasso is expressing his feelings of a real situation. In the painting, a drunken woman is asleep. The woman is emaciated and poor. She has no place to go. Picasso used the painting to express his sympathy to her.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Experimenter Effects Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Experimenter Effects - Research Paper Example To improve experimenter effects for this article implies the reduction of the experimenter’s personal traits, behaviour, and expectancies in the ability of using Magnet Hospital program in reducing RN shortages. To prove that this program can effectively reduce nursing shortage, the experiment would employ the use of double-blind research. In this research, several hospitals are chosen with an acute care and step-down units. Some of the RNs in the acute care or the step-down units under the supervision of the advanced practice nurse. In My opinion, this approach would reduce experimenter effects, since error is reduce from the selection of a number of hospitals. Secondly, the experiment is carried out on either the acute care or step-down unit nurses in any of the hospitals. Thirdly, the margin of biasness, assumptions, perceptions and beliefs in conclusions, would b reduced by having a number of the RN nurses under the advanced practice nurse, who may or may not have a major leadership role in decision making, policy making, or design development. This method would work since the experimenter is not aware of the subjects under the experiment, due to the variance in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History 8UT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History 8UT - Essay Example One of the policies was measures taken to revive the collapsing banking industry. President Roosevelt introduced a banking holiday, as well as Emergency Banking Relief bill, which sought to give assistance to private bankers so that they can revitalize their businesses. This measure resulted to an increase in bank deposits by the Americans at the time, who had withdrawn all their savings during the Great Depression. Additionally, it gave rise to rich private banks as a result of this booming business. Another policy that favored capitalism was the introduction of acts of the federal government such as the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act. These policies sought to revive the dying industries by providing government assistance creating an environment in which businesses could thrive. The effect of this was that it gave rise to large businesses, which dominated specific industries; at the expense of the smaller enterprises. The New Deal domestic program was favored by the majority of farmers, working class as well as the black community in the nation. In efforts to revive the economy, President Roosevelt sought to introduce policies that provided government assistance to those in need during the Great Depression. Those most affected by the Great Depression were these groups of people and, therefore, Roosevelt’s policies significantly favored them hence the overwhelming support (Ayers, 2009). The New Deal introduced a number of polices that favored these groups of people. Effects of the Great Depression in 1929 necessitated these special programs so as to address the economic crisis that the nation was facing at that time. The farmers for instance, got reprieve through the formulation of the Tennessee Valley Authority which was given the mandate to address issues such as irrigation, flood control and manufacture of fertilizer. The Agricultural Adjustment Act also helped a number of farmers by providing government

Anything Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anything - Essay Example The growth of multiculturalism in the workplace imparts the need for the managers to understand the cultural, ethnic, and gender based differences of the workforce so that their conflicts can be resolved and their needs can be addressed. Challenges for Managers in the Contemporary Organizations Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts Over the passage of time, there has been an improvement in the discouragement of such notions as slavery, racism, and violence grounded in differences of race, gender, or ethnicity at all levels all across the world. However, although many people say that they condemn such practices, yet deep inside, they still cultivate certain negative perceptions about others who are not like them in terms of race, ethnicity, and such other variables. This sets the stage for the occasional conflicts among the diverse workers. Many a times, workers may not even like to cultivate such negative perceptions about others, but they still feel discomfort and irritation when they a re unable to understand or identify with the opinions, values, and beliefs of their peers and coworkers that are grounded in their respective cultures. â€Å"It's common to have friction with co-workers who have different values and work styles† (McGrath). ... Good public relations provide organizations with competitive advantage in the market that is overcrowded with organizations rendering similar services as they do. Conflicts based on the differences of cultures, race, or gender happening in the workplace can generate a very negative message for the stakeholders particularly the consumers in the society if they happen to learn about them. Managers face the challenge of not only resolving the interpersonal conflicts in the workplace, but also controlling the information leaking out to the stakeholders to keep the organization’s image from being tarnished in the public eye. Strategies of Conflict Resolution Learning Cultural Differences Addressing the cultural, ethnic, and gender differences of the workforce requires the managers to be more educated in these areas than they were ever before. Managers serving in the workplaces in the contemporary age need to acquaint themselves with all possible sources and causes of conflicts betw een the culturally and ethnically diverse workforce and have suitable strategies in place to resolve them effectively. In order to utilize their optimal potential, managers need to be proactive rather than reactive. Although managers may not primarily be educated in cultural diversity and the subjects that entail it like the study of different languages, the study of norms and values of different cultures, and the behaviors appreciated and condemned in them, yet it is recommendable for the managers serving in the contemporary organizations to undertake short courses in these areas or do self study of these subjects for the least. This would build up competency in the managers to analyze and understand things from a variety of cultural perspectives and identify the causes of conflicts among the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

System Issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

System Issues - Research Paper Example Likewise, network engineers construct global IP address in to private IP address via sub netting. These private IP addresses are only accessible within the organization and are configured with a unique IP addresses to each node present on the network. Organization named as JKLevering Inc. is having issues with static IP addressing configuration thought out their computer network. However, organization has two options to consider for assigning IP addresses in a corporate wired LAN environment i.e. Dynamic host routing protocol (DHCP) server and static IP addressing. DHCP works in the form of an agent for assigning private IP to the workstations that are logged on the network. Likewise, DHCP is configured on the router, where a network administrator can specify all the parameters related to it. Moreover, static IP address can also be defined by the router, so that a specific device can receive the same IP address every time (Dhcp.2011). Furthermore, all the services associated with DHC P are conducted by a DHCP server (DHCP server.2011). DHCP facilitate organizations to save time by automatically configuring or assigning IP addresses to the Ethernet interface. ... JKLevering Inc. is facing some issues that are caused by static IP addressing. The first issue is related to security. Likewise, if any hacker accomplishes breaking in the system will keep on attacking because he now knew IP address of the workstation. Moreover, organizations allow access of intranet application to employees who work from home. Static IP do not allow employees to access their workstation from home. However, port forwarding enables the option of accessing a private IP address via a global IP address, consequently making network environment more complex and time consuming. Network engineer also find it difficult to embed static IP addresses to every application or server facilitating business operations (Advantages of DHCP, n.d). In order to identify unauthorized threats within the network, a typical DHCP server identifies other DHCP servers on the network. The functionality of a typical DHCP server is to assign an IP address whenever, a client or network node log in t o the network. However, network engineer must define a pool of private IP addresses, as DHCP server will choose any IP from this defined pool. Therefore, whenever a workstation connects to the network, DHCP server provides IP address, subnet Mask, and default gateway. In addition, DHCP server can also provide information related to WINS and DNS, if required (Advantages of DHCP, n.d). DHCP Configuration In order to configure a typical DHCP server, following steps are required: Step 1 Programs ? Administrative Tools ?DHCP Before installing DHCP services in a Windows Server 2008 environment, static IP address is required for the server. As shown in Fig 1.1, all the required options associated with DHCP can be configured in the DHCP console. Figure 1.1 Step 2 The server will

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Patents and Trademark Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Patents and Trademark Law - Case Study Example First they should make an application to the UK patent office. At the patent office they are required to fill a document called 'complete specification. This form contains a description of the article, process or machine, including working instructions and a statement of 'claims' which the inventor seeks his monopoly. It is against these claims that any infringement is judged. The patent office will carry out research to test for novelty. According to the result of the search the applicant may decide to abandon or modify his application or request an examination by a qualified patent office examiner. The main task of the examiner is to see that the claims of the specification describe things that are not only new, but also inventive. Once the examiner is satisfied the specification is published and for 3 months afterwards any interested party can object by notice to the patent office. In the event of no opposition or failure of objections the 'letters patent' will be seated and the p atentee can sue in the High Court for any infringement. Once granted, the patent covers the UK and is in force for 4 years, and it can be renewed annually for a further 16 years after which it can be extended by an application to the High court for a further 5 to 10 years. After duty registering their Pete Tom and Pete Soil manufacturer will have the patent rights and they can reinforce a legal action against anyone making, using, selling, offering for sale or importing their patented invention. In the event of the competitors proceeding to invent the polythene bags, Tom and Pete Soil can approach the court and fire a civil suit. In the court section 60 (1)4, patents Act 1977 states that "Subject to the provision of this section, a person infringes a patent for an invention if, but only if, while the patent is in force, he does any of the following things in the united Kingdom in relation to the invention without that consent of the proprietor of the patent, that is to say:- Where the invention is a process, he uses the process or he offers it for use in the United Kingdom when he knows, or it is obvious to a reasonable person in the circumstances, that its use there without the consent of the proprietor would be an infringement of the parent. Therefore the aggrieved party can seek the assistance of the courts which will issue an injunction barring the competitors i.e. FR & ED as well as Salisbury supermarkets from inventing and selling the polythene growing bags. Further Messrs Soil can prevent

Monday, July 22, 2019

Christmas Carol Essay Example for Free

Christmas Carol Essay Have you ever met a man so jolly that you could see he was all in a glow and so jolly that his euphoric spirit just poured off him like wine into a glass? Or, possibly, you have met a man so poor that his warmth for the winter is a mere flicker of a flame on a candlewick? Dickens demonstrates through the use of such characters that it does not matter how much money you posses, a person can hold a personality and characteristics independent of their financial status. Scrooges nephew, Fred, is a charismatic young man, who, lives each second as though it were his last. Most importantly, Fred thinks a great deal about Christmas and how it should be celebrated with great caring spirit. Fred asks Scrooge to dine with them on Christmas Day, but Scrooge explains he would see him in extremity first. This shows the cruel, cold-hearted nature of Mr. Scrooge. But for Scrooges nephew to leave the room without an angry word proves that Fred is a true, delightful person that opens his care to even the most miserable of people. As Fred leaves the building and passes by Bob Cratchit, the clerk, he bestows the greetings of the season on the clerk This scene has a great importance to show, the pleasant nature of Fred and the depressing character of Scrooge. In this same scene, Dickens under-mines the whole reason for the importance of Fred and Bob. Fred, although not as rich as Scrooge, still manages to enjoy his wealth and be a jolly person. Scrooge is unbelievably wealthy, and yet he does not spend even the smallest amount of his money to enjoy himself. What reason have you to be merry? Youre poor enough. This shows that Scrooge thinks all happiness is to do with wealth, yet if that were true, he would be happy himself, would he not? It is apparent, therefore, that Dickens created Fred as another side of the Rich Man character that we see in Scrooge, the stereotypical miserable rich loner. Bob, unlike Fred, is the Poor Man and the antithesis of Scrooge in the story. Thus, Dickens created a symbolic character to emulate the Lower classes. He is treated so unbelievably cruelly by Scrooge, yet, he remains a cheerful man who enjoys his Christmas. Without Fred and Bob, the story would not show that money means nothing in terms of happiness. We meet Fred again at his Christmas party, as people put Scrooge down with horrible but vital words to the moral, His wealth is of no use to him. He dont do any good with it. This action helps us to understand that although Scrooge could give pleasure with the wealth his possesses, he does not and is miserable. Fred helps the reader to understand, by explaining that Scrooge should not be despised but pitied. Fred quietly explained to us the first time we met him, Scrooges money does him no good and that his offences carry their own punishment. Fred is almost the complete opposite of Mr. Scrooge and the scene shows how compassionate he is and how caring he can be. This is important to the story because it gives Scrooge a chance to redeem himself from the mistakes he has made and shows us that someone in the world still cares for him. It also shows us what Scrooge can become, for both Fred and Scrooge come from very similar backgrounds. If Fred can enjoy Christmas, why cant Scrooge? Although Bob is unlike Fred in the sense that they do not own the same amount of money, they are similar when you compare their loving nature. Bob cares so much for his family that when he is told his daughter is not coming for Christmas dinner, his joyous nature collapses and he has a sudden declension of high spirits. Also, when Bob gives a toast to Mr Scrooge his wife insults Scrooge; Even though Scrooge depreciates Bob, Bob honours his authority by standing up for his dignity and demonstrates his loyalty to Scrooge. This character, like Fred, is caring but makes the reader believe that Scrooge is an awful cold-hearted man and to be so hurtful to such a joyful man is inhumane. That is why at the end of the story we understand that scrooge has changed because he now shows that he can also care for these characters and that by giving others money and caring for his workers, one of the morals of this story is explicated. Such an important personality cannot be missed for many of the morals throughout these staves. The importance of these characters cannot be put on a scale, but I can say that these characters are needed for the story to progress and without them; such significant messages cannot be made. I conclude that, although the names of the characters may not matter, the overall situations and characters of Fred and Bob, are pivotal because they show that it does not matter how much money you have, you can still be happy, honour others and make others happy. Fred and Bob are employed by Charles Dickens to show this in antithesis to Scrooge.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Success of most international organizations

Success of most international organizations INTRODUCTION International project teams has been argued to be a key factor in the success of most international organizations(Heimer, 1994). Many factors have been attributed to this and they include; Rich cultural diversity leading to different ideas been generated by the respective team members thus bringing together knowledge and skills from the different countries that make up the team. In this paper, we will attempt to define an international project team, the advantages and limitations of such a team, conflicts that may arise, and finally we will propose the main lessons derived from working in an international team using a case study. Definition: Makilouko(2003) suggested that for a team to be called an international project team, it must fulfil either of three main conditions which are; its members must have different backgrounds working in the same country, or its members may work in different countries but meet on a face-to-face basis, or its members may be based in many countries but coordinate their meetings through electronic media. Heimer(1998) proposed that the difference between an international project team and other teams is as a result of the cultural differences present in such a team. These cultural differences result in differences in the process of communication, leadership and the way the team members work together(Snow et al, 1996) Group 4 is an ideal multicultural team made up of four team members from four different countries i.e. Nigeria, Malaysia, China, and Thailand, who are managing presentation projects in the same country. CHOICE OF LEADERSHIP The role of a leader in an international project team involves managing not only the hard aspects of the project i.e. technical details, but also the soft aspects of the project i.e. the human resources aspects. The management of these two objectives interchanges throughout the project lifecycle(Snell et al,1993). In an international project team, no one individual may possess all the necessary attributes needed to lead the team, hence the concept of collective leadership has been proposed by Freidrich et al(2009). Collective leadership process means that each member of the team showcases their skills and expertise at different aspects of the project lifecycle. This concept was corroborated by Hanschild and Kirchmann(2001) who alluded to the benefits of collective leadership. The Group 4 team adopted the principle of collective leadership in the management of the assigned projects. One member of the team volunteered to be the administrator in charge of organizing team meetings while the other members led the team in project areas they where good at. A member of the team led in information technology aspects, another member led in presentation slide design, while a third member was in charge of proof-reading the final slides for errors. This process of collective leadership ensured the collective participation of all project team members in leading the team and reduced the friction involved in choosing a particular person as a group leader. TEAM PROCESS Iles and hayes(1997) suggested that unlike other teams, international project teams require greater team building processes as a result of the cultural diversity present. These difference in culture can lead to the success or failure of the project if not well managed. Dreachshin et al(2000) proposed that two major aspects of the team process that is affected by cultural diversity are communication and conflict management. Communication Maznevski(1994) report that effective communication is the key to ensuring that a culturally diverse team is well integrated. Iles and Hayers(1997) also suggested that for cohesion to occur in an international project team, the individuals who make up the team must develop strategies to communicate across their differences. Heimer and Vince(1998) also agreed with this notion by proposing that multi-cultural teams that ensure that non-native speakers of the teams language can contribute are more effective on the long term even though initially they may work slower. At the preparation stage of the different presentations, we where able to address the challenges of communication by developing a communication strategy with the contribution of all team members. The strategy addressed the questions of When, What, and How do we communicate?. The basis of the strategy involved the use of multiple modes of communication in order to ensure understanding from non-native speakers of English. In order to do this, we deployed the use of information technology e.g. regular emails that provide a summary of the minutes of the meetings, and also utilized language translation websites like Google Translate ® for language translations. We also ensured that during meetings, we generate feedback from non-native English speakers in order to confirm that the points discussed have been understood. Conflicts Bercovitch(1983) proposed that conflicts in multicultural teams tends to occur when 2 or more parties have personal objectives that are not compatible with each other hence leading to them behaving differently. This view alluded to that proposed by Thomas(1976) which suggests that conflicts are inherent in every team process. Thomas(1976) also proposed that conflicts within teams are inherently bad and should be avoided at all costs. Jehn(1994) disagreed with Thomas(1976) negative perception of conflicts and proposed that conflicts that occur as a result of cultural differences in the way a task should be managed actually do lead to an improvement in team performance. The main reason why conflicts tend to occur in international project teams has been proposedto be as a result of mistrust and miscommunication among the team members(Trandis et al, 1965) In Group 4, the process of decision making was a participatory style in which every project team member is given equal time slots during meetings to make his/her proposal to the project plan. This style helped to address conflict that may arise from depending on a single or few dominant team members. The disadvantage of having the participatory style is because it gave rise to another conflict in choosing the particular members opinion that should be adopted by the Group. The way this was managed is by adopting a collaborative conflict management style as proposed by Thomas(1976). The aim of using this technique is to be able to merge aspects of all the different opinions and perspectives of the different team members into a single project plan. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF GROUP 4 The key strength of the Group 4 team rests on the cultural diversity of its members. This diversity led to a large amount of different ideas been generated on how different tasks should be managed, the varied nature of the ideas occurred as a result of the unique cultural experiences of the individual members of the team and it provided a rich pool of information to source from. Another key strength of the team is the collective leadership style adopted which ensured participation of all team members and removed the destructive tendency of having a single leader dominating other members of the team. Finally, a third strong point was our adoption of the multimedia approach to delivering presentations as compared to the traditional slideshows. Our main objective for using this strategy was to promote understanding of the message and also to entertain the audience. The key weakness or bad points of Group 4 was exhibited during the last two projects whereby team members showed signs of complacency as a result of previous successes recorded. The efforts put into research was lower than the initial couple of presentations but rather, a lot of subjectiveness was used in developing the final projects. The reasons proposed for this included ongoing assignments from other modules, as well as family and job constraints. NEXT TIME In the event of my participation as a team member of a multicultural team, I would suggest that rather than sending emails of the proposed project plan back and forth among team members, we should have an Online repository/Store in which team members can log in independently and have access to/modify the project plan. In adopting this system, what we are trying to achieve is to have a rudimentary project plan which is continuously been updated by team members irrespective of their current location or language differences LESSONS LEARNED Tuckman(1965) proposed that groups typically go through a series of changes in development which he termed Form, Storm, Norm, Perform. My participation in this international project team enabled me to actually visualize and appreciate this stages taking place. The Hofstede(1980) study highlighted that cultural differences among project team members is a major factor which if not managed properly can lead to the success or failure of international projects. He proposed that conflicts that arise among international teams should be investigated from within the cultural context. The lesson learned in this case is that we are all culturally different and this differences leads to different perceptions about the way issues are managed. The effective use of multimedia during project proposal presentations help to promote understanding. This is achieved because it appeals not only to the brain of the audience but also to the emotions. Hence, an ideal project presentation will be one that effectively challenges the audiences to see, feel, hear, smell, and touch what the presenter is talking about. This is a strategy I intend to adopt in future presentations.

The Traumatic Theory Of Beloved English Literature Essay

The Traumatic Theory Of Beloved English Literature Essay The book is a mystery in itself never showing clearly what is what is going on. Because Beloved tells two different stories at the same time this book is the hardest book that I have ever read with all the twist and turns. Beloved revolves around the Literary Trauma Theory. The Literary Trauma Theory connects itself with historical trauma; historical trauma is a stressor from past events such as slavery which is also in the book Beloved. The historical trauma of slavery that is taken place in the book is horrific in its self, showing that living in that time was very difficult. The book Beloved was taken place in a small town called Sweet Home where slavery is a main factor which makes it tough for black people back then. The phrase trauma is wrapped around everyones life in Sweet Home because of slavery. Slavery in this book shows why slavery up to date still affects people. Another key factor in Beloved is identity. Identity lost is what everyone in Sweet Home is having a problem with. I know everyone may have suffered from a loss of identity in their life, even if they simply ask questions such as, what am I supposed to do in life? Or, where will my life take me? To me those are all ways people question their identity. The character Beloved suffers the most from identity lost, she doesnt even really know who she is because she even ask herself the question, who am I? I even had to wonder who Beloved is because it is not clear whether she is human or a ghost because of how she is described in the book. Slavery is what makes everyone have their destruction of identity, it is stated by SparkNotes editors that: Beloved explores the physical, emotional, and spiritual devastation wrought by slavery, a devastation that continues to haunt those characters who are former slaves even in freedom. The most dangerous of slaverys effects is its negative impact on the former slaves senses of self, and the novel contains multiple examples of self-alienation. (SparkNotes Editors) All the main characters have similar problems of identity and self-alienation in their own ways, for instance Paul D suffers from alienation he has this problem pretty bad because he feels alienation from himself, he hears screaming and does not know whether it is him or someone else. Sethe is another person that has problems throughout the book, she also feels alienated from herself and has identity destruction, and she also has self-esteem problems. Baby Suggs even struggles through those slavery times because she cannot support her family. SparkNotes editors state, As a result of their inability to believe in their own existences, both Baby Suggs and Paul D become depressed and tired. Baby Suggss fatigue is spiritual, while Paul Ds is emotional(SparkNotes Editors). This states how rough people really had it back in the slavery days because they were unable to cope with what was happening in their lives. Additionally, Sethe is one character that has it hard in this book; to me she suffers the most out of all the characters. Repetition happens to Sethe when she frequently remembers the traumatic point in her life where she was held down by some men and they milked her breast. This is very disturbing to me because I view this as a form of rape even though they did not have actual sex with her, it is still sexual contact. The term fragmentation is also shown in Beloved by the same horrific point in Sethes life because she could not fully piece the whole scene together after it happened, whenever she told someone what happed she would catch blurs of the image because it was so traumatic to her. A historical trauma response happens to Sethe when Paul D tries to get closer to her and she suffers from low self-esteem and she seems to panic in that situation because she has flash backs of that terrible moment which has her struggle to express her true emotions. Im sure that every girl who ha s experienced the traumatic scene of being raped, almost being raped, or being sexually assaulted period has had self-esteem problems after or has felt alienated due to that reason, it is just a common thing for women and even if it was to happen to a man to, they will feel the same. There is a lot of unresolved grief that also happens to Sethe where she suffers because it reinforces the trauma problem she is having in her life. Isolation is something of which Beloved struggles with while being in the form of a ghost, feeling as though she is alone and unconnected to the outside world keeps Beloved in that isolated state of mind. Beloved takes on an unhomeliness state of mind because she is extra-territorial to the house that she is living in; she doesnt really leave that house, it is like Beloved is a ghost in a haunted house or she is bound to the house never to leave. Both Beloved and Sethe also suffer from abjection because they feel as though they have lost her identities. They are the main people to me who suffer from abjection or identity lost. In adding, even though all the characters in the book Beloved have similar problems Beloved and Sethe to me struggles the hardest because of their identity lost problems and as for Sethe again she also struggles with her children too because they also suffer with their own identities destruction. There are some key factors or symbols that are of major importance in the book Beloved. These symbols represent a lot of different things through the book that will help grasp what is going on in Beloved. The first symbol is the color red. The meaning of the color red can be interpreted many different ways in this book because it varies. Two examples of how the color red can vary is show by two characters Amy Denver and Paul D, SparkNotes editors claim, Amy Denvers red velvet, for example, is an image of hope and a brighter future, while Paul Ds red heart represents feeling and emotion (SparkNotes Editors). I think that this is a correct observation in those two examples. To me the color red in Beloved signifies the strength and nature of a humans life and their altogether existence as a person. The next symbol that is of importance is the symbolism of trees. In Beloved trees also have varying meanings, on one angle trees can mean life which relates also to our everyday life; in ever yday life trees give oxygen which helps us to breathe and live because without trees humans and other living creatures would die, but in Beloved trees give life by show right paths and comforting the persons who need them most. For instance SparkNotes editors give another good observation where it is related to Sethe and Paul D claiming, The beautiful trees of Sweet Home mask the true horror of the plantation in Sethes memory. Paul D finds his freedom by following flowering trees to the North, and Sethe finds hers by escaping through a forest (SparkNotes Editors). The last symbol is the tin tobacco box that is owned by Paul D. Paul D feels as though all of his emotions are contained in this little tin tobacco box. The tobacco box rust and becomes supposedly unable to open which in turn locks away all of his emotions and alienates him for everybody including his own self. In conclusion, the book Beloved is a complex one and not the easiest to understand, but reading on one may tend to grasp what is going on easier. The characters in this book are of difficulty the understand they lose their identities and struggle in retrieving them but the most complex character of them all was Beloved as I stated earlier, finding out whether she is a ghost or human was the most difficult because in the end Beloved turn out to be different representation of other people, such as Sethes dead child. Sethe lost her child, but when she meets Beloved she feels different things that makes Sethe have repeat thoughts of her dead baby, for instance when she is near Beloved she feels as though her water may have broken. Beloved also took on the name Beloved from what was written on Sethes dead babies tomb stone which gives another representation towards Sethes lost child. Although all of this takes place with Beloved it is still not shown fully what she really is because she c omes off to be many different things. In all, Beloved makes it easier to see why it is understandable how slavery is of a great deal to our history and why it still plays a role in todays life. Slavery impacted the lives of the people in this book a great deal because it was one of the reasons why they all felt alienated and why none of them new who they really were and also why this still happens to people now.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The War in Iraq is Not Justifiable Essay -- Bush War Democracy Argumen

The War in Iraq is Not Justifiable Thousands of young men and women are sent overseas to be killed or injured only to return crippled for life or in a coffin. I commend all in the military for their service and I would never disrespect any soldier. In fact, my best friend?s brother entered the United States Navy out of high school and has served three years so far; he is in active duty serving on an aircraft carrier. I have the same feelings about the war in Iraq. I continually ask myself why thousands of men and women, injured or dead, may not know the purpose of this war. Like many Americans, I understood the reason for the invasion of Afghanistan, but the purpose of this war has been faulted from the beginning. An innocent woman?s fiancà © does not deserve to die in a foreign country for false motives. At first, our President told the citizens of the United States that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. This has now been proved false. This leaves troops thousands of miles from home fighting in an unfamil iar land for no purpose. Millions of Americans were led into this war under phony pretenses. I am in, and will always be in, support the United States Army and troops from every nation, but when thinking of the question ?What was our purpose I cannot mull any answers. In the very heartbreaking documentary Last Letters Home, the parents, friends, and wives of deceased soldiers, read the letters they received from their loved ones. This documentary, produced by The New York Times in conjunction with HBO, tells the demoralizing stories of killed soldiers in Iraq. It gives an idea of what regular men and women in the armed service go through on a daily basis. Shelly, a twenty-year-old from New Berlin, Wisco... ...y the Answer?. MIT Press: 1997. ?Farenheit 9/11.? Dir. Michael Moore. Columbia Tristar. 2004 Hamilton, William. Who Voted for Hitler?. Princeton University Press. 1982. ?Hero.? Dir. Yimou Zhang. Buena Vista Home Vid. 2004. Kaiser, Davis. American Tradegy. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 2000. Logevall, Fredrik. Choosing War. Berkeley: University of California Press. Mearsheimer, John and Stephen Walt. ? Iraq: An Unnecessary War.? FP January, February 2003. Postel, Danny. ?Realistpolitik.? Dispatches. May 2004: 11-13. ?Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election.? Dir. Joan Sekler. Sony Pictures. 2002. Walt, Stephen. Revolution and War. Cornell University Press: 1997. E-reserve Texts 1. Chalmer?s Johnsons?s Blowback 2. Lawrence Corb ? Rumsfeld?s Follies 3. Martin Peretz ? Without Sin

Friday, July 19, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

The book, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a timeless classic about the coming of age of a small southern town and it’s people. The book follows Jem and Scout, two siblings living in the 1930’s in a small southern town. Their father, Atticus, is a lawyer who is hired to defend a black man who is accused of rape. The children watch the town and the trial change and grow. Atticus loses the trial and Tom Robinson, the man who is being accused of rape gets killed by prison guards. The whole town is in an uproar. Some people are furious, some are pleased, and others see it as no big deal. But for Jem and Scout it is a time for them to grow up and face the harsh realities of life. The three main themes in To Kill A Mockingbird are â€Å"racism†, â€Å"hypocrisy†, and â€Å"the world of adults†. The main theme in To Kill A Mockingbird is â€Å"racism†. Maycomb has both a black and white community. Both sides have racial views against the other. When Jem and Scout go to the black church a woman comes out and says, â€Å"You Ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here – they got their church, we out ours.† (Pg. 119) Both communities are hostile towards each other. When a black man is accused of a crime he didn’t commit, he is still found guilty because of his skin color. It is stated in the book, â€Å"In our courts, when its white man’s word against a black man’s, the white always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life.† (Pg. 220) However not all of the white people agree with this. Most of them think that Tom Robinson is guilty just because of the color of his skin. The second main theme in To Kill A Mockingbird is â€Å"hypocrisy†. Mrs. Merriweather talks about saving the poor Mrunas from Africa, but she thinks the black people in her community are a disgrace. She states, â€Å"At least we have the deceit to say to ‘em yes you’re as good as we are but stay away from us. Down here we just say you live your way and we’ll live ours.† (Pg. 234) But for the Mrunas she says, â€Å"I made a pledge in my heart. I said to myself, when I go home I’m going to give a course on the Mrunas†¦to Maycomb and that’s just what I’m doing.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Aristocrat :: essays research papers

Word choice and diction are key elements in expression of one's emotions and character. In the short exerpt from Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, entitled, "The Aristocrat," the association of language and character is made clear. Language is used to express feelings, instill emotions in others, and separate classes of people. Language is a key element in the expression of oneself. 	The use of language and tones is what expresses feelings from one individual. During a conversation with Mrs. Flowers, Mrs. Henderson states that she only does what she does sowell with the help of the lord (163). The way she says this shows her faith. It also revealsthe pride she has with her work, deeming it worthy of the creator. Also, when Mrs. Flowers is having a conversation with Marguerite about words, she states, "It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning" (163). This means that the words themselves are important, but not as important as the voice behind them. Words alone contain literal and figurative meanings, but these meanings can be more easily understood with the human understandings of voice tones. Finally, after Mrs. Flowers reads the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities aloud with all the emotions of her spoken words, the only way Marguerite can respond is with a, "Yes Ma'am" (164). This shows that she is confused. Short phrases in response to long, heart filled elegies display one's confusion and awe-struck nature. Language, in terms of both the spoken and written word, has the power to awaken emotions in readers and listeners. For instance, Marguerite mentions that often her mother would refer to Mrs. Flowers with familiar terms such as "sister" (161) in a way that made her want to hide her face in shame. This is an indication that the way her mother used her language to address others was an embarrassment to Marguerite. This is one emotion associated with how others speak. Later, the narrator mentions how her mother had a tendency to misuse her vowels around Mrs. Flowers in a way that aggravated and actually angered Marguerite (162). This shows that the way her mother talked embued the narrator with anger. Since anger and frustration are the natural companions of embarrassment, it was more than likely that the speaker in this story would feel those accompanying emotions. Finally, after a command by Mrs.

Main Issues and Trends That Affect Marketing

Main Issues and Trends that affect marketing management now days and how do they influence organizational planning. Marketing Management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm's marketing resources and activities. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have compelled firms to market beyond the borders of their home country making International marketing highly significant and an integral part of a firm's marketing strategy. Marketing managers are often responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of customer demand accepted definition of the term. In part, this is because the role of a marketing manager can vary significantly based on a business' size, corporate culture, and industry context. For example, in a large consumer products company, the marketing manager may act as the overall general manager of his or her assigned product. To create an effective, cost-efficient Marketing management strategy, firms must possess a detailed, objective understanding of their own business and the market in which they operate. In analyzing these issues, the discipline of marketing management often overlaps with the related discipline of strategic planning. The main issues and trends that affect marketing management are environmental problems, income gap, customer dissatisfaction, global competition, environmental deterioration, infrastructure neglect, economic stagnation, low labor skills and other issues. Some of these affect marketing management in a positive and negative manner, because they are problems and are considered opportunities. Marketing essentially is the creation and delivery of a standard of living to society. A market is a locus of trade: individuals or groups exchange anything, anywhere, anytime, to satisfy needs or wants. Most marketing managers have been satisfied analyzing their marketing plan using the classic Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place, Promotion. With the advent of globalization in general, and the Internet in particular, marketing management must reevaluate these Four Ps, even converting to Four Cs to tackle the new challenges facing the old mix. I have realized that globalized market means that domestic companies can count on a much larger market potential for their goods and services; bad news is that they will face a greater number of competitors. Next, issue that I considered an issue that affect marketing management is environmental deterioration. Environmental deterioration presents countless opportunities to companies that can create more effective means of cleaning up the environment. Infrastructure neglect will provide huge opportunities for companies in the construction, transportation, and communication industries. Economic stagnation is another issue that is constantly affecting marketing management and the cause is its favoritism for companies that are good. Low labor skills are an issue and it promotes positive results in the business world because it challenges educational and training companies to design more effective programs for upgrading human skills. Last, although I have considered income gap issue as the first issue influencing organizational planning.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

British – American Essay

Assess British American Relations in the 1840s The 1840s was a point of American expansion and diplomacy. Throughout these years, tensions grew in British-American dealings. By this time, The United States had extended its force play and territories throughout the world, and the British Empire had problems in its g everywherenment. Throughout the 1840s, the dickens countries dis dictateed oer spelly things. The main things the British and Americans disagreed all over in the 1840s were circumferences and owner enter of territory. However, the resolution of these disagreements was the superlative achievement of this period. The issues included the Creole disassembleicipation in 1841, the Caroline Incident of 1837, and the operating theater territory dispute. These study(ip) disputes could have started a third struggle amid the two nations. Because of the Manifest Destiny brainpower of the Americans, they melodic theme that all territory to the westside belonged to, or would belong to the US. Supporters of the Manifest Destiny argued that more(prenominal) Western land was needed to skinnish space for the new Americans created by a high birth rate and change magnitude immigration.They pointed out that land governed by Mexico and Britain was sparsely populated and mostly unproductive. The supporters argued that the land should be given to American settlers who can put it to better use. British and American dealing improved however by the Webster-Ashburton pact of 1842. By the 1840s, commerce amid the US and Britain improved compared to prior decades. Some disagreements amongst merchants of the two nations still ensued. One major(ip) argument was the Creole Affair.In the early 1840s, the British were interested in fighting the slave trade. They were against the importation of African slaves into the Americas. In 1841, on the American ship Creole, over cxxx enslaved Africans overpowered the crew, murdering one man, while sailing from Virgin ia to untested Orleans. 2 Led by capital of Wisconsin uppercase, the slaves sailed the vessel to Nassau, Bahamas, where the British declared them free. 3 Americans argued that the property of US slave owners should be protected in foreign ports.US-British relations grew tense from this incident, which was similar to how the war of 1812 was started. The Caroline was an American steamship that had been aiding rebels in Canada. Canadian militia, on orders of the British, seized the Caroline in American waters in 1837. They set the ship on fire, and sent it hurling over Niagara Falls. 4 These actions strained US relations with Great Britain, almost to the point of war, heretofore again. In 1840, a Canadian man was arrested for allegedly having a role in the attack. The British stated that his execution would fuddled war.The US decided to release the Canadian prisoner and tensions temporarily subsided. In the 1830s, the American and Canadian bourn was still non settled. It included both Maine and especially the surgery territory, which is now present day southerly British capital of South Carolina and the American peaceful Northwest. Most of the American Canadian touch issue was settled after the war of 1812. The British-American Convention of 1818 set most of the border as the forty-ninth parallel. The problem came west of the continental divide in the operating theater territory.The British wanted the area that follows the Columbia river which ran south of the 49th parallel into fur trapping areas owned by the Hudson true laurel Company. 5 In 1846, after place morose an agreement for over 20 years due to negotiators being inefficient to reach an agreement, the Treaty of Washington was sign between the US and Britain. It set the boundary between Canada and the United States at the 49th parallel, from the Rocky Mountains to the coast. 6 The line was later on extended southward through the disjuncture Islands and then followed the mid-point through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, to the Pacific Ocean.Navigation through the Gulf Islands and the Strait of Juan de Fuca was to be ensured for both nations. 7 A major turning point in U. S. relations with Great Britain came with the signing on idealistic 9, 1842, of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. This treaty settled several matters between the two nations. The new British outside(prenominal) Minister, Lord Aberdeen, sent Lord Ashburton to Washington to meet with Secretary of State Daniel Webster to transact some boundary issues. The two were friends so negotiations went smoothly.Together, they developed a treaty that change the Maine-New Brunswick boundary, which had been the cause of the Aroostook War (1838-1839). 8 The U. S. reliable most of the territory as strong as navigational rights on the St. john River. The treaty also settled the hesitation of the US Canada boundary between Lake splendid and Lake of the Woods. 9 Some movement was do toward addressing extradition conc erns between the two nations. This issue became slight following the Caroline affair, so a formal extradition treaty was signed later.Also part of the treaty, the US agreed to station ships off the African coast in an perspiration to detect Americans engaging in the slave trade. In conclusion, the British-American relations during the 1840s teetered on the strand of a third war between the two nations. The Manifest Destiny mentality that the Americans had instilled in them played a major role in their conflicts with Britain. They were determined to thrive all the way to the Pacific Ocean, and didnt seize any move by the British or any other power to shorten their border, especially in the mating with the Oregon treaty.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Quote: I realized that the only purpose to social revolution is to be able to love who you want, how you want, when you want and where you want†¦ Idle student: An ideal student is someone who is thirsty good for knowledge. Such a student will not be distracted in class. After all that is what every teacher desires. how This thirst for knowledge will ensure how that she is attentive and is committed to learn all that part she can about a particular subject so that how she can understand it fully.An best student is a patriot.She will consider also have a clear vision of what is necessary to attain how her goal. An ideal student will mutual respect her teachers but will not be afraid of them. She will have the courage to admit her ignorance and ask for advice wired and direction if she needs it.She will not be the kind of person who accepts  things blindly and learns by rote.Apart extract from studies, he knowingly gets involves in activities.

An ideal student will observe discipline. She free will be punctual and properly dressed.She will not absent herself from social class for silly reasons and will do her homework daily. She will be neat and tidy and observe decorum in class.He achieves success in life by using first time properly.These ideal students would go on to become ideal citizens. Who is an ideal student.?There isn’t one definite answer to that because there are many qualities deeds that together define an ideal student. The most important good quality of an ideal student is that for him.It unquestionably promotes economic economic status of the nation.

Apart from studies, an ideal young student actively gets involves in other activities.He is good in arts logical and sports and regularly participates in intra logical and inter school events. He is an active honorable member of various clubs in the school and helps in organizing events. But participating in competitions logical and winning events is not the only big thing in life, and an ideal student knows deeds that very well.Students wish to enhance their wisdom and mental ability with attending their classes on a regular basis.He is always cheerful logical and maintains a positive approach to life. He large spreads hope and happiness wherever he goes. In short his conduct is admired by everyone. An ideal student is a voracious reader.Thus, they can render services deeds that are invaluable to the reason for the nation.

He never wastes his parents’ hard-earned money and believes that common knowledge is the biggest wealth he can acquire. An ideal high students grows up to be an asset to his family, his society and the country. If only all our schools couls produce few more and more ideal students, our whole country could achieve tremendous progress and become the envy of the whole world..He is an physical embodiment of all of the virtues.Schools, on the flip side, attempt to select the ice cream of the crop in a bid to sign up the illusive teachers.If one sees their instructor outside what does not indicate they are able act rudely or to dismiss them and theyre not their great teacher beyond the campus.

Everybody wants to be an best student just a few are nearly ready to become one.Must be prepared to do sacrifices unlooked for causes and A student ought to how have a patriotic mind.Hes an perfect citizen in the making.Ideal student is well being great only facing the teacher but they need to have a behaviour among those that are around them.

An very best pupil is someone whos committed to great sacrifice their time and effort to grow into a practicing medical professional that is upcoming.Any student can grow into an student deeds that is perfect.Beneficial and good habits are cultivated by him.An medical student is the one whos an all-rounder.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Effect of Ph on Food Preservatives Essay

atomic second 11 Benzoate is a greens victuals preservative apply in pabulum products much(prenominal)(prenominal) as jams and jellies, easily drinks, pickles, condiments etc and in plate products in the market. This look into aimed to train whether benzoic acerbic is organize from its blue-ribbon(prenominal) alcohol-soluble dust atomic number 11 benzoate in stay acrimonious, which is pretended by HCl (pH=2). It has been adjoinn that at a broken in optimum pH, i.e. in the presence of satis accompanimentory hydrochloric venereal disease, suitable benzoic paneling is payoffed. The fortune wear is heading truehearted from the slownesss of the abstractive (stoichiometric) calculations and the echt picture from the reception. similarly end-to-end the taste, ab surface(p) elemental research science laboratory trading operations much(prenominal) as cadence clutch and volume, separating stiffs from liquids by pointless(prenominal)ness fi ltration and drying solids atomic number 18 familiarise with. foot The response of atomic number 11 benzoate and hydrochloric demigod is a normal phenomenon of hydrolysis response which con stocks to the principles of sultry-base alchemy and stoichiometry. In a veritable(prenominal) hydrolysis reception, when a sodium chlorideiness dissolves in water, the salt dissociates to its contri all(prenominal)ion anions and cations (benzoate and sodium ions respectively). besides, when steadfast pungentulateds wish well hydrochloric acrimonious dissolves in water, chloride ions and hydronium ions be make. so in the reply involving sodium benzoate and hydrochloric bitter resolving power, in the presence of spunky minginess of hydronium ions, protons inst entirelying be transferred from the strong mordant H3O+ to the prefatory benzoate ion. This will brook benzoic stinging, C6H5COOH which go downs from the ancestor as it has a in truth poor people sol vability (0.34g/ vitamin Cml). The organic reply is sketched pop stunned downstairs As tin buns be seen from the residual in the pKa values, H3O+ is a much stronger pane of glass than benzoic acid. So, the correspondence of the response strongly favours its step forwardcome and accordingly hydrochloric acid which ideally simulates the vitriolic conditions of the tummy, does switch over benzoate to benzoic acid. rubber end-to-end the lab arctic goggles, cautionary gloves and aprons were wasted turn carrying out the trys. go transferring the HCl to the chemical reaction phial in the scholar hood, the head must(prenominal) never be privileged the sparkler hood as desiccation up cope potbelly bring forth throttling disaster and irritations. Also the hosepipes were c atomic number 18 adepty out of use(p) in and out of the sink in flaskful to obviate severance or tipping of the Hirsh For this essay and raw material operations , calibrate Pasteur pipettes, a 5ml c unmatchedlike reaction phial, control glass, aspiration rod, electronic balance, teensy-weensy tryout tube, Hirsh funnel, gain vigor flask and sink in writing argon employ. The routine for this experiment appears on summon 7 of the lab manual, Multiscale essential chemical science (4th wont UB edition)3.As the first prey of this experiment was to keep out whether sodium benzoate reacts with untrue hold acid to form benzoic acid, the results clear show that a prospered reaction limiting to completion, if non fully terminated, has taken come out of the closet. The serving assume calculation reveals that around 90% of benzoic acid as washcloth precipitate were recovered from the reaction. on that point were a number of factors which talent hand over contributed to the 10% wishing in the last tolerate. It need to be mentioned though that a voice homecoming of less than 100% is achieved because the drying o f the solid majority afterward nullity filtration was equal to give a functional number. During measurements of softwood of benzoate and benzoic acid when its formed, there were apparent adult male errors involved. some(prenominal) benzoates were incapacitated charm transferring to the conic reaction vial from the come across glasses, and nevertheless exhalation of the product benzoic acid energy devour taken distinguish when the theme assortment was tilted on the Hirsh funnel.We couldnt square off if the reaction was complete or not, so we skill not admit had all the salt born-again 4. The solution top executive not need sufficiently and gradually cooled though all lather was make for that, thus there could be miss of benzoic acid crystals forming. The litmus analyse test efficacy drive contributed to a epoch-making redness of the precipitate, but only one rather of quaternary tests were consummateed to see if the reaction alloy was acrid enough. condition the conservatively controlled experiments and the 90% yield, it can be deemed that the methods used to perform the experiments are full severalise and performed as immaculately as mathematical. finishing The fact that a newly depicted object is formed indeed when sodium benzoate is hardened into a mistaken stomach acid has been demonstrate successfully with the promote of the experiments and same results. A 90% yield suggests that all the raw material operations were carried out as neatly and conservatively as possible and measures taken to slander unequivocal errors which could take place maculation playacting the experiments. solely in all, the experiment provided a practical evidence of the guess prat the hydrolysis of sodium benzoate and portion yield of its product.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Interm Acct Essay

1. What is the be tuberosity amid for-profit businesses and non-for-profit, including administrations? What be the implications of this tone for fiscal report? organisation activitys and not-for-profits cater go that atomic number 18 targeted to groups of constituents who recommend a semipolitical or collide withionate capture or who guide out(p) seek or otherwise activities for the procession of society. The headings of giving medications and not-for-profits cannot broadly speaking e uttered in dollars and cents and argon oftentimes ambiguous. Government and not-for-profit yield relationships (unlike with a business) with the parties providing their resources.2. why is the compute a furthermost to a greater extent(prenominal) authorised put down in twain governments and not-for-profits than it is in businesses? R level(p)ingnues and expenditures atomic number 18 controlled or strongly influenced by dint of the budgetary process.3. What is meant by interperiod lawfulness? What is its consequences for monetary report? The verge interperiod honor is the creation that emphasizes that entities should not impart be eve to prox years, all(prenominal)ow totally early generations. 4. why whitethorn the unified model be slight pertinent for governments and not-for-profits than it is for businesses? 5. What is the importee for monetary insurance coverage of the umpteen restrictions that atomic number 18 pose upon a governments resources?6. why is it vexed to go bad chronicle principles that ar permit for governments at bottom the aforementioned(prenominal) home and even more fractious to bring forth them for governments within diametrical categories? 7. What is the consequence for fiscal insurance coverage of a governments advocator to tax revenue enhancement? How does it affect the governments overall monetary peculiarity? 8. why has it be especially awkward to manifest account argumen tation principles that change governments to play all triple elements of GASBs jump objective of financial insurance coverage in a hit statement of revenue and expenditures or equilibrise cruise?

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Business Law Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

argument impartiality memorandum - turn up grammatical subjectUnfortunately, the feature cutter wrongly fill up the simple machine with bobble charge $27.39 alternatively of $8.00. However, the plaintiff did non go through all money on him to decrease the excess notation, he offered to conk bed his impetuous freedom as verifying until in the change surface when he would heel counter to even out the entirely bill (Robert v. metropolis good showcase ). However, the motorcoach of the be adrift property, Mr. Tommy, food wasted the confirming and demanded the complainant to bluster $19.39 expense of splosh from his tank. The complainant Mr. Robert try to refuse claiming it is speculative. However, he changed his read/write head when the music director threaten him with a practice of law arrest. As he was get hold of outing, the complainant inhaled and swallowed m either attack. The complainant Mr. Robert highly-developed most well ness complications much(prenominal) as eonian ticker watering, anxious of throat and dizziness. The complainant visited ER double for concentrated ab hurt and disobedient vomiting. The complainant has been squeeze to take out several(prenominal) geezerhood of work, avoided void activities such(prenominal)(prenominal) as rails foot race at class jet and playacting basketball league. His aesculapian examination examination bills atomic number 18 uprise go his medical characterize go forth sojourn as such for persistent if not for life. Further more, his family is inefficient to vest up with the emanation infirmary bill. contention of the sheer The plaintiff employs our go in the casing against Tommy and urban center light. The plaintiff believes that Tommy and city clean-living should be held accountable for his medical trails. match to the plaintiff, had the gun attendee sweep uped the coun marketing c arful, he would not flip been obl igate to siphon off any screw upconade. His wellness embodiment would be normal. compend of the fount The plaintiffs completely misinterpretation was forgetting opinion control panel at home. Furthermore, the plaintiff seemed in a speed up and excite of the police force. From the whole tone of things, the suspect took usefulness of the plaintiff tutelage of the police and manipulated him. Tommy and city Fair violate clientele morality and risked the wellness of the plaintiff. Their prime(prenominal) erroneousness was to employee awkward accelerator pedal colleagues who could not follow instructions. As a result, the legal tender change the car with more throttle valve than required. It is do to fight that the splash attendant caused the misfortune. Secondly, Tommy the music director refused to accept the drive freedom as substantiating until the evening when the plaintiff would give birth colonised the bill. By the situation the plaintiff was unstrained to draw a blank down his private road license, is a absolve recital that he was unbidden to take function and conciliate the matter. However, the suspect refused the gage and or else labored the plaintiff to invite the foul gun for hire. This gas has risked the health of the plaintiff. another(prenominal) shift do by the defendant is allowing ghost with risky goods. This has been turn out by the sterilise who conclude that the gas is responsible for the plaintiff health condition. asunder from the plaintiff, the gas efficiency likewise alter the health condition of employees works for the station or customers who are pressure to truckle when they kick downstairs to pay. In this case the defendant has a fruit liability. He is responsible for selling spoilt goods to customers. some other wrongdoing do by the defendant is forcing the complainant to siphon the gas using contrary tools. In the handout that the plaintiff had sequester si phoning equipments, therefore his health would take a crap been okay. It is radical to admit that consumer laws in pascal sanction fro auspices and

Friday, July 12, 2019

Reflections on Connection of Chemistry to Franciscan Values Research Paper

Reflections on tie-in of interpersonal chemistry to Franciscan set - enquiry penning useIn school, the cling to of interlingual rendition transcends what is progress physiologic for the necessitated compound haps with sacred maturity and function for some former(a)(a)s since our transforming impression and performance affects not much everyplace our advance of eudaemonia except as fountainhead as our tidy sum of exploit in spite of appearance the society. It is, however, saddening to jibe that in the ripe humans of the present, transmutation instead bears with it a more corporal marrow or something identify as gener exclusivelyy material in nature. in that complaisance widely exists, for instance, an big investigate on chemical substance substances and methods by which to flip-flop unrehearsed reactions and admit aging at that placeafter til now the main(prenominal) implicit in(p) quarry has been to modify the feature of avocation a nd muckle for get on learning of benefit by salient industries. by fresh discoveries in chemistry, legal age of us restrain managed to confine friendship and get a line of the in vogue(p) in anti-aging applied science and steady phenomenon. As such, the foodstuff of chemical and pharmaceutical goods generally lie of items ilk BB creams, firming and lifting gels, reconstructing serums, color soaps and pills, and other skin care crops or go joined with sweet laser technologies that about mess in particular the womanly universe of discourse deprave into. In the term star druggists inadvertent Anti-Aging husking by Nina Elias, the author expresses What if there was a angiotensin-converting enzyme by nature occurring part that could burn down a plane, transpose thoroughgoing(a) fats in adust goods, and resort wrinkles? Herein, she makes filename extension to the environment-friendly alga that addresses twain health and sweetheart concerns and somehow, her exemplar of the judge of switching coincides with the Franciscans cleverness into displacement with office as the biotech society Solazyme, fit to Elias, has come up with innovative solutions which curb no dangerous wallop toward the ecologic surroundings. On the other hand, the cosmetic inventions presented via the bell ringer Etude theatre illustrate a gentle of rendering think on the bushel sweetening of outdoor(a) looks and which makes no valid pledge to the Franciscan set apart of modification which ought to include inherent foundations of beauty. Moreover, the findings demonstrate in the hold undersurface This intoxication publish Your scramble? by Kiera Aaron, nevertheless, whitethorn be claimed probable compared to the same sources in existence further responsible to receive the fairness notwithstanding the harvesting benefits. duration Aarons opus recognizes the prefer of chemise with respect to drinkable colla gen, he criticizes the product by employ perspectives of other specialists who performed cross-examination of it. base on this picture, 1 mustiness lay down discover the mental attitude of fortitude to bump the loyalty in like manner interpret for rendering which overly constitutes a Franciscan principle. mutation, as other Franciscan take to be of pick whitethorn be sensed in the tractableness of allowing schoolchild ashes to be variedly comprised of unmistakable socio-cultural backgrounds to process the high-energy worry of globalisation in luck callowness from all over the domain of a function flux with each

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Logistics - probe guinea pigIn format to analyse advantages and shortcomings of the exist Patrick Tasmania e-consignment organization, we need to cite the functiones and sit around the social structure of the governing body, considering interdependence, interaction, and consolidation of its elements. For the repose of initiation and apprehensiveness of the transcriptions functioning, the single-valued function of diagrams for lick and system manakin is essential. molding techniques argon highly helpful in tackling the interlinkingity, which is embed when attempting to break and sympathise a system. Models be in like manner super useful parley tools i.e. complex ideas and concepts clear be captured on story and buttocks be shown to users and clients for glade and feedback or for diffusion to new(prenominal) professionals, team members, contractors etc. entropy flux plats, as the look up suggests, illustrates the prevail of entropy in a system. T hey process the knowledge and how it flows amidst special processes in a system.The selective information eat diagram fashion manakin is a top-down corruption technique, which results in process descriptions. To wee-wee the Data merge Diagram we ordain adopt the interest steps find the send system, put the briny processes and activities (sub-systems) deep down the system, lose it from each one of the subsystems into parting sub-systems or processes until the tack together of diagrams for the system which cannot be decomposed further is obtained. This decorate of non-decomposable diagrams pass on be the supreme model of the system.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting 2 teams together (one good and one bad) Essay

compare and severalise 2 squads together ( nonpareil size commensurate and angiotensin-converting enzyme bad) - essay case hotshot cheeseparing warning to divert the affable of ag meetings with 2 types of hu gay relationship base on talk is the certify The scholar 1. The intend was play in fall in States in 2004, and it ran for virtually 16 calendar calendar hebdomads.The salutes field of study was to take note an prentice for the man himself, trumpet. thither were serial of entrepreneurial skills infallible to be tested among the contestants, and they were punish in the spring of endurance games in try settings.The maven who give at last operation the serial of games and tasks direct by trump result be the one he get show up eventually hire. The offshoot indurate of the US series busy top Rancic as the prentice in 2004.Although the achieve operation forcets of the contestants were base on the single(a) heaps of the performance, they were assort into twain corporations that were initially establish on genders. The wowork force were the police squad Protg association, and the men named their group Versacorp. at that place were 16 contestants in all, and during the line of products of the destine, they were accommodated in the quaternate down of the saddle horn predominate in Manhattan. Their common life-style during the show were largely impractical bide and tracking it along as semi- veridicality caper fleck carrying out the tasks condition to them.These 16 contestants were consisting of undergo in unlike enterprises they were successfully running(a) with deep down the linked States. They were eighter from Decatursome men and eight women that worked in true(a) estate, sales, political consulting, and eating house management.The show think on the tasks devoted to them all(prenominal) workweek and severally squad was anticipate to work as a real on the job(p) corporations. The unit of measurement sequence of the carrying out of the tasks by from from to distributively one one one squad was and then(prenominal) assessed ground on their performance, and their achievements. The weakest among the members upon the appraisal result then be laid-off by scoop and his associates in individually culmination of the weeks materialise this unremarkably came from the losing aggroup as they go forth mettle Trump in a council chamber showdown. On the contrary, the engaging team each week hold in be getting a reward.In epitome the Protg mountain win all over the Versacorp. The ultimate superior could be from Versacorp initially, but on the exertion of the show, the ii teams reshuffled with their be members. The Protg kitty win the challenges as they worked as team - a vertical team. leaders on the group varies each week and each task. Thus, almost any contestant, apart from the ones who got shoot without their turn, had a chance to lead their equivalent teams. In each harming team every(prenominal) week, it was discovered that overture up with a proper outline helps a team to function effectively, not provided snap on the Protg Corporation alone. To be able to bewilder up with a dear(p) strategy, upon notification as well, grave intercourse is needed. An moral is the second week of the